• Deniz Özeren has successfully presented her Phd-project at FÖP (Public Presentation), March 6,  2024
  • Upcoming: Second GrocerIST Workshop, September, 12-13, 2024, at Özyeğin University, Istanbul
  • Hoşgör Büke, Sümeyye, “Osmanlı bakkalları uzerine bir değerlendirme”, Yemek ve Kültür 74 (2023), 20-29.
  • GrocerIST will participate at the Turkologentag 2023 (21-23 September) with a panel
  • Sümeyye Hoşgör Büke, "Some observations on the change of the clothing consumption of the Ottomans in the eighteenth century: The case of Galata", Tagung "Konsum von Alltagsgütern in sozialen Räumen in der Vormoderne", 6. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises "Materielle Kultur und Konsum in der Vormoderne", 7.-9. Juli 2022. Programm